Getting the most from your YPO Forum or Roundtable experience

Are you getting the most value from your YPO Forum or Roundtable experience? Here are some tips to make sure you and your Forum members feel their time is well invested.

Begin with these eight key questions to help you make the most of your next meeting.

  1. Is your Forum providing value for all members?
  2. Has your Forum been valuable in the past but has gotten stuck?
  3. Are conversations at a surface level or at the depth that would be more beneficial for everyone?
  4. Does your Forum group handle conflict well?
  5. What is the level of trust among members?
  6. What benefits have you experienced in your Forum or Roundtable?
  7. What do you believe has to be in place for the benefits to be realized by members of the Forum?
  8. What tools and techniques have worked or not worked on your Forum’s journey to success?

Analyze your findings. (You can also work with an experienced facilitator such as The Ertrachter Group to anonymously survey Forum members to ensure you are working with the best data for decision making.) When YPO Forums are running smoothly, each member feels he or she can:

  • Gain a sense of community in a peer group — Membership provides a sense of belonging with a group of peers with a shared connection, for example, common places, similar experiences and time together.
  • Grow personally and professionally — If ongoing growth is important to you, a healthy YPO Forum is a great resource that evolves to serve each member of the group.
  • Realize others have similar challenges — This helps remind you that you’re not in life alone.
  • Enhance leadership skills — You have the chance to practice your leadership skills in a safe environment.
  • Improve communications skills — You will learn from each other and further develop speaking, nonverbal and listening skills.
  • Give and get honest and constructive feedback — The ability to do this in the right way is important for individual and group success.
  • Celebrate successes together — Take time to share the good things that are going on in your life without judgment from and toward others.
  • Encourage each other — Encouragement is important for all of us through life’s ups and downs.
  • Inspire confidence — Gain additional faith that you will act in the right or effective way in a given situation.

A successful Forum requires commitment and energy. Let Ertrachter Group bring our proven YPO experience to help you make the most of your Forum experience.